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The Quebec secondary school rankings are out and once again they offer evidence that, at some schools, academic results are improving.

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There’s no shortage of issues facing the new Indigenous and Northern Affairs Minister, Carolyn Bennett, including the state of housing and infrastructure on reserves.

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President Obama has finally rejected the Keystone XL pipeline.

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An "implicit tax" is implicit only in the sense that it doesn’t officially appear in the income tax code.

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As one of his first policy proposals, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged to replace Canada’s first-past-the-post electoral system with a system that “[better] reflects and represents” Canadians and makes “every vote count.”

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Years of adhering to the status-quo and simply pumping money into the system has done little to address the fundamental problems with Canada's health-care system.

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It’s always justifiable to question why we are compelled to support the arts, but it’s all the more understandable that taxpayers recoil at arts funding when that art is particularly esoteric and inaccessible.

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In his book, the former Federal Reserve chairman confesses that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department were powerless to prevent Lehman Brothers from failing.
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The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline has asked the U.S. State Department to suspend its permit application.

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A reoccurring narrative in the income inequality debate is that top earners don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes. The data, however, paint a different picture.

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