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In the case of the Atlantic provinces, all four have unemployment well above the 6.8 per cent national average, with Newfoundland's at 12 per cent and P.E.I.'s at 11 per cent.

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Well-designed consumption taxes, of which sales taxes are one type, are much less damaging.

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Enhanced child benefit shuffles money among middle-class families via an expensive bureaucracy.
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In serious academic work, it’s a grave offense to steal someone’s words and pass them off as your own.

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Ontario has been racking up debt at a historically rapid pace and is on track to rack up still more debt in the years ahead.
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Canada’s premiers are meeting in Whitehorse, Yukon this week and health-care transfers from Ottawa may be high on the agenda.

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Royalty revenues from bitumen production were projected to reach only $1.5 billion in 2015-16 compared with $5.0 billion during the preceding year.

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Almost half of all independent schools in Ontario have a religious orientation.
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Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is called “Il Rottamatore,” which translates into the dismantler or demolition man.

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Scaremongering by environmental activists has been effective in shaping popular opinion about GMOs.

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