Jake Fuss

Director, Fiscal Studies, Fraser Institute

Jake Fuss is Director of Fiscal Studies for the Fraser Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Calgary. Mr. Fuss has written commentaries appearing in major Canadian newspapers including the Globe and Mail, Toronto Sun, and National Post. His research covers a wide range of policy issues including government spending, debt, taxation, labour policy, and charitable giving.

Recent Research by Jake Fuss

— Sep 17, 2024
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Understanding the Scale of Canada’s Federal Deficit

Understanding the Scale of Canada’s Federal Deficit finds that continuous annual borrowing by Ottawa to finance increased spending has driven federal total debt up to an expected 69.8 per cent of the economy or $2.1 trillion in 2024/25—and analyzes how in debt Canadian families would be if they spent and borrowed the same way.

— Aug 15, 2024
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Caution Required When Comparing Canada's Debt to that of Other Countries 2024

Caution Required When Comparing Canada’s Debt to that of Other Countries, 2024 Edition finds that Canada’s relative debt position, instead of being the best of the G7, falls significantly when total debt is measured instead of measuring debt after adjusting for financial assets.

— Jul 30, 2024
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Taxes versus the Necessities of Life: The Canadian Consumer Tax Index 2024 edition finds that in 2023, the average Canadian family earned an income of $109,235 and paid in total taxes equaling $46,988. In other words, the average Canadian family spent 43.0 per cent of its income on taxes compared to 35.6 per cent on basic necessities.