Jake Fuss

Director, Fiscal Studies, Fraser Institute

Jake Fuss is Director of Fiscal Studies for the Fraser Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Calgary. Mr. Fuss has written commentaries appearing in major Canadian newspapers including the Globe and Mail, Toronto Sun, and National Post. His research covers a wide range of policy issues including government spending, debt, taxation, labour policy, and charitable giving.

Recent Research by Jake Fuss

— Jul 3, 2024
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Measuring Progressivity in Canada’s Tax System, 2024

Measuring Progressivity in Canada’s Tax System, 2024 finds that despite common misperception, the top 20 per cent of income-earning families pay a larger share of total taxes (54.2 per cent) than their share of income (46.4 per cent).

— Jun 13, 2024
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Tax Freedom Day measures the total annual tax burden imposed on Canadian families by federal, provincial, and municipal governments. This year, it arrives on Thursday, June 13—four days later than in 2019, the last year before the pandemic.

— Apr 9, 2024
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Canada’s Rising Personal Tax Rates and Falling Tax Competitiveness, 2024

Canada’s Rising Personal Tax Rates and Falling Tax Competitiveness, 2024 is a new study that finds recent personal income tax rate increases at the federal and provincial levels have helped widen the income tax rate gap between the U.S. and Canada—among all 61 provinces and states, at $50,000 of annual income, the top 10 highest combined (federal plus provincial/state) personal income tax rates are in nine Canadian provinces—with all provinces in the top 15.