inflation rate

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Infrastructure—not a quick fix for inflation

Supply chains involve countless firms across the globe that contribute to the production and sale of goods.

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Transitory or not, here comes inflation

In August, the price of meat increased by 6.9 per cent.

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Ottawa reducing value of money and spending billions

Inflation peaked at 14 per cent in Canada and the U.S.

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Modern Monetary Theory, Part 3: MMT and inflation

Divergences between expected inflation and actual inflation contribute to economic inefficiencies that harm economic growth.

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In countries whose currencies have risen against the U.S. dollar, there’s “flow-through deflation” as imports get cheaper.

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A higher target rate will raise uncertainty about future inflation and be costly for the economy.

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Once again, Calgary city council has raised property taxes beyond the rate of inflation. No surprise. Over the past seven years, only once, in 2007, has council approved a tax increase below Calgary’s inflation rate.

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It's not your imagination. Your property taxes really are shooting higher.

For those who haven't paid attention to their property tax bill until recently, let me offer some calculations: Had the city and province stuck to inflation-only increases starting in 2007, a homeowner with a $2,500 property tax bill in 2006 would see a $2,858 bill this year. Instead, the charge will be $3,430, or an extra $572. The cumulative effect over seven years is an extra $1,538.