ontario economy

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Ontarians are already burdened by a $300 billion provincial net debt that has ballooned over the past decade.

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While the overall federal transfer “pie” has grown significantly over the past decade, Ontario’s “slice” has also grown larger.

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The recent elections in Alberta and federally in Canada have elected governments that appear dedicated to increasing government’s interference in the economy.

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Business investment is no longer the driving force of capital formation in Ontario. In its place, investment by the public sector has nearly doubled.

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Last week, Standard and Poor’s announced a downgrade to Ontario’s long-term credit rating, pointing to the province’s “very weak budgetary performance.”

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Despite the talk of painful austerity, Ontario’s recent budget continues to bleed red ink. Finance Minister Charles Sousa projects a deficit this year of $8.5 billion, and doesn’t predict an actual balancing of the books until 2017-18 fiscal year.

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When the federal government faced a growing debt problem in the late 1980s, then Opposition finance critic Paul Martin was initially skeptical about cutting spending.

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There was an aura of complacency in Queen’s Park as the Ontario government released its update on the state of provincial finances.