student performance

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Schools shouldn’t abandon tests and exams

There’s a close link between background knowledge and reading comprehension.

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Math teachers should teach math—not ‘social justice’

The school board is telling Toronto teachers to “incorporate issues of social justice in mathematics learning.”

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PISA results reveal similarities between some provinces and European countries

In science, Alberta outscored highly-ranked countries including Estonia and Finland.

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COVID school closures dealt predictable blow to student learning

Canada should finally create an expanded program of national testing of students.

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China’s PISA success—less than meets the eye

The urbanized region represents only 13 per cent of the country's total population.

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No more mask mandates in schools

According to the evidence, schools are not significant drivers of COVID-19 transmission.

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Politicians made horrific error closing schools during COVID

In Ontario, schools were closed for a cumulative 29 weeks during the pandemic.

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Student assessments can help kids succeed—but it depends where you liveStudent assessments can help kids succeed—but it depends where you live

During the pandemic, most provinces suspended their testing programs.

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Class size caps would likely hurt—not help—Ontario schools

The proposal includes a hard cap of 20 students in all classrooms and 10,000 new teachers.