health care reform

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B.C. woman’s plight underscores need for urgent health-care reform

Patients in the province faced a 34.8-week wait to receive neurosurgical treatment.

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Ottawa must amend Canada Health Act to allow meaningful health-care reform

Canadians have some of the worst access to medical technologies, physicians and hospital beds in the developed world.

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B.C. government must fundamentally reform health care to shorten wait times

In 2021/22, 41 per cent of all hospital care in Australia took place in private facilities.

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Ontario needs health-care reform not more billions from taxpayers

In other countries with universal health care, patients are free to seek care privately and are not shackled to the government system.

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Alberta government must fundamentally reform health care to shorten wait times

The median wait time for surgery in Alberta was 33.5 weeks, one of the longest waits in the country.

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Saskatchewan proved that reform can shorten wait times

The province went from having some of the longest waits for surgery to some of the shortest.

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Canadian policymakers should learn from Australia’s health-care system

Australia’s health-care system outperformed Canada’s on many measures including the availability of physicians and hospital beds.

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Bureaucratic shuffle not enough to fix health care in Alberta

Only 62 per cent of patients in Canada received elective care within four months compared to 99 per cent in Germany.

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Canadians face longest health-care wait times on record

The median wait time between referral from a family doctor to treatment now stands at 27.7 weeks.