Fraser Forum

Government Spending & Taxes

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This week, Premier Kathleen Wynne appeared to accede to municipal pleas.

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From 2011 to 2014, average annual economic growth in Michigan was higher than in Ontario, despite slower population growth.

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If the government imposes a tax on carbon, it would keep almost all of the current intrusive regulations in place.


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Small reductions in the consumption of sugary drinks and other food products do not necessarily translate into weight loss.

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The province hopes to solve its fiscal problems by relying on revenue growing faster than spending.

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Alberta’s unemployment rate climbed to 8.6 per cent in July—the highest rate since 1994.

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If a carbon tax is implemented, it will likely be on top of the extensive regulation Canadians already face.

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Ontario’s net provincial government debt may reach $350 billion by 2020.

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Canadians born in 1971 or after can now expect to receive a meagre rate of return from their CPP contributions of between 2.3 per cent and 2.5 per cent (depending on their specific year of birth).

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