Fraser Forum

Natural Resources

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Canadian natural gas, sold to markets in India and Asia, could displace some of their need to generate power with coal.

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In 2014, Vancouver residents and businesses used about 21 million gigajoules of natural gas-derived energy.

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The cost of regulatory delay imposed upon LNG investments in B.C. could reach C$24.8 billion per year by 2025.

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Much of the proceeds from the cap-and-trade scheme will fuel more government spending.

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Opposition to pipelines, including the recent violence at a National Energy Board hearing, comes with real costs to both people and the environment.

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The Alberta government plans to cap greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the province at 100 megatonnes (Mt) annually.

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Adding more expensive renewables will not help Atlantic Canadians already burdened with high energy prices and expenditures.

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Moving oil by rail is 4.5 times more likely to result in an incident or accident than moving that same oil by pipeline.

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