cap and trade

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Federal government seems committed to killing investment in Canada

The government's new regulations will likely raise costs and curtail oil and gas production.

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Trudeau government carbon tax plan rife with problems

For carbon pricing to be efficient and economically benign, it must be emplaced in lieu of regulations.

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Ontario targets carbon pricing—Alberta should follow suit

Two out of three Canadians believe provinces should determine greenhouse gas emission reductions.

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Suddenly, carbon taxes look less inevitable

Manitoba’s premier says the $50 federal carbon price would endanger his province’s economy.

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All parties promise bigger government in Ontario

The province’s debt problem is due to dramatic increases in government spending.

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According to the PBO, provincial cooperation with the federal carbon floor may reduce the size of Canada's economy by 0.5 per cent in 2020.

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It seems that governments in Canada have no intention of getting carbon pricing right.