government spending

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Since 2015, the federal government's gross debt has increased by a projected one trillion dollars.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly—government budgets in 2024

The federal government plans to run a $39.8 billion deficit in 2024/25.

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Canada’s federal government disregards its own fiscal rules—unlike Sweden

Rather than adopt the discipline necessary to get back on track, Ottawa simply moves the goalposts.

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New Brunswick government has golden opportunity to reduce income taxes

The province's combined personal income tax rate at $50,000 of income is the fourth-highest in North America.

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New Brunswick government should resist temptation to increase spending before election

This year, the province will spend a projected $548 million on provincial debt interest.

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Ottawa’s red ink leaves little room for defence spending commitments

The federal government wants Canada’s military to cut $1 billion from its budget.