federal government

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Federal government should privatize Canada Post

The Crown corporation lost $748 million in 2023, the sixth consecutive year it lost money.

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Federal government will likely violate another self-imposed fiscal rule

The inability to control spending remains the primary reason for Ottawa's string of deficits.

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Federal government helped spark Canada’s economic growth crisis

Over the last nine years, Canadian living standards have not increased.

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Federal government ratchets up ‘climate’ propaganda

The government's polices will prevent the development of oil and gas resources and restrict the economy.

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Supreme Court decision won’t deter Ottawa’s zeal to regulate provincial projects

The Act expanded the project assessment process to include effects on “gender."

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Federal government’s number spinning misrepresents job growth realities

Canada's employment rate actually ticked down from 62.0 per cent in July to 61.9 per cent in August.

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Ottawa destroying child-care market

The government heavily tilted the field against private operators who serve the majority of the market.

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Federal government should be skeptical of demands for large pay increases

Government workers across Canada enjoyed an 8.5 per cent wage premium, on average, compared to comparable private-sector workers in 2021.

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Premiers meet prime minister under cloud of dysfunctional federalism
Ottawa has a long history of overpromising and underdelivering on program promises.