federal government spending

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Canada unlikely to meet NATO commitments without significant debt accumulation

Because of its own failures to responsibly manage the nation’s finances, Canada is in a weak fiscal position to increase defence spending.

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Canada’s economic stagnation—a big problem for Canadians

Under Prime Minister Trudeau, annual per-person economic growth has averaged just 0.3 per cent.

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Federal government programs won’t make ‘life cost less’

The government plans to run annual budget deficits of $20 billion or more for the next five years.

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Federal government should have taken own advice about debt accumulation

According to projections, the federal debt will increase by nearly 20 per cent over the next four years.

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Today’s federal government—massive spending growth and epic betting

According to the budget, the government will spend $95 billion more in 2024-25 than it planned only three years ago.

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Federal government sticks to its soft fiscal targets—but this is no cause for celebration
According to the budget, deficits over five years will add more than $153 billion in additional federal debt.

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Federal budget’s scale of spending and debt reveal a government lacking self-control

In 2024/25, federal program spending will reach a projected $483.6 billion—up $16.1 billion from the previous budget’s estimates.

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Balance budget within reach—if Ottawa restrains spending

Since 2014/15, annual federal program spending has increased by $193.6 billion—or 75.5 per cent.

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Federal government poised to miss another self-imposed fiscal target

These deficits have fuelled an $867.2 billion increase in gross federal debt from 2014/15 to 2022/23.