job creation

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Federal government’s number spinning misrepresents job growth realities

Canada's employment rate actually ticked down from 62.0 per cent in July to 61.9 per cent in August.

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Job growth in private sector remains weak despite rosy headlines

Since February 2020, government employment has increased by 9.4 per cent compared to just 0.4 per cent for the private sector.

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On the minimum wage, Ford once again follows Wynne’s lead

The Ontario government plans to increase the minimum wage to $15 in January.

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Canada needs more paycheque writers

Total business investment declined by 0.2 per cent per year between 2016 and 2019.

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Tax cuts could create 110,000 jobs for Canadians
Several provinces now have top combined income tax rates exceeding 50 per cent.

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Three ways federal government can spur COVID recovery

Trade liberalization could increase Canada’s economic output by up to $130 billion annually.

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Another recession means more hardship in areas of Ontario that struggled in recent years

Total employment increased by 17.3 per cent in the GTA, 9.7 per cent in Ottawa and 1.9 per cent in the rest of the province.