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The Quebec government has been playing tough with Uber and imposing severe restrictions on it.

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On average, ICBC's $15,000 repair bill for a luxury car is roughly six times higher than for a typical car.

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The 1,000 Carrier workers are happy—the unknown future job-losers can only stuff their pink slips in their pockets and wait until next election.

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Child poverty rate has actually dropped by a third since 1986.

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Duplicated regulation among provinces can impose needless costs on people and businesses.

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Canadians and Americans both celebrate Thanksgiving—that much is clear.

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Prime Minister Trudeau and several cabinet ministers recently pitched some big pension and hedge funds on the benefits of investing in Canada.

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The key state of Wisconsin went for Trump because Clinton’s vote, compared to President Obama’s in 2012, collapsed.

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From 1997 and 2015, had federal elections took place under an Alternative Vote system, the Liberals would have been the only party to benefit each election.

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