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Since 1997, The Fraser Institute has been surveying mining companies each year to assess how mineral endowments and public policy factors such as taxation and regulation affect exploration investment. Survey results represent the opinions of exploration managers in mining companies operating around the world. As the popularity of the survey has grown, we have expanded it to include more jurisdictions.

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The purpose of this study is to examine the consequences of the changed status of the commissions through a review of the behaviour of the ASC, BCSC, and OSC. Evidence suggests the reduced financial accountability inherent in the commissions' changed status appears to have worked to the detriment of low-cost, efficient regulation of the securities industry.

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D'ailleurs, le journal Le Devoir indiquait en décembre dernier que le nombre de demandes d'admission pour les écoles ayant fait bonne figure au Bulletin avait augmenté sensiblement. Une enquête auprès de 525 adultes québécois - parents ou non - a révélé que 75 % d'entre eux considèrent que le Bulletin constitue un moyen novateur pour améliorer les écoles de la province

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Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2001 Edition. When the Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools was introduced last year, the reaction was immediate. Hundreds of reports and editorials appeared in newspapers and on radio and television across the province.

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This study examines the effects of the supply management of milk on Canadian consumers. Supply management is the legal framework for producing and marketing raw milk. The study also examines the potential impact of global trade liberalization on Canada's supply management system.

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BC's Liberal government has made a commitment to study democratic reform, long an important, but overlooked, question in Canada. According to conference chair, Gordon Gibson, Senior Fellow in Canadian Studies, Parliament is ineffective both in representing the people and controlling the executive branch. This, plus a deplorable lack of transparency and accountability, and a concentration of power in the hands of the First minister, has led to a general decline in public respect for our democratic institutions, he says.

Reforming Politics: The BC Blueprint featured speakers from across the country chosen for their expertise in the areas of parliamentary, electoral, and other democratic reforms. Speakers included Andrew Petter , Acting Dean of Law, the University of Victoria; The Honourable John C. Reid , Information Commissioner for Canada; Nick Loenen , Fair Voting BC, Ted White , Member of Parliament for North Vancouver, and Peter Dobell , founding director, Parliamentary Centre.