canada-us border

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We may see the reintroduction of tariffs across a range of products traded between the U.S. and Canada.

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Most trading partners of the U.S., including Canada, employ some sort of national consumption-based value added tax.

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With Barack Obama earning another four-year term, Canadians can only hope the newly re-elected American president will stay the course in modernizing the Canada-U.S. border and make good on commitments outlined in the Beyond the Border agreements.

One positive sign is the endorsement by Michigan voters of the construction of a second bridge linking Detroit and Windsor. Given the congestion at the Ambassador Bridge, the New International Trade Crossing will provide much needed relief for Canadian and American factories shipping production materials back and forth across the border.

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The world breathed a sigh of relief after President Barack Obama announced the demise of Osama bin Laden in a stunning Special Forces operation. But for Canadian businesses relying on trade with their American counterparts, the nightmare represented by bin Laden continues.