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Ottawa’s tariffs undercut Ottawa’s EV mandate

Electric vehicles are vastly more expensive coming off North American assembly lines than in China.

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Tariffs not the answer for low oil prices

You don’t make your country richer by imposing taxes on your consumers.

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Trump tariff threat highlights fundamental change in Canada-U.S. relations

U.S. officials say WTO rules disproportionately advantage other countries.

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Trump’s tariff tactics will end badly for U.S.—and Canada

Besides reducing their trade and investment linkages, foreign businesses may also reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar.

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Slowdown of world economic growth would likely reduce demand for Canadian resource exports

In 2018, China imported almost US$5.4 billion of crude oil from the U.S.

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Nothing says “USA” quite like a Ford Mustang—except perhaps a Toyota Camry.

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If Canadians were free to import from the U.S. without paying tariffs, a frozen turkey would cost 15 per cent less.

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The Democratic takeover of the House likely won’t affect U.S. tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum exports.

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Trade is good for both countries, but not everyone in both countries benefits from trade.

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This China clause has been portrayed as a humiliating imposition on Canadian sovereignty.