health care wait times

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Alberta’s health-care reforms don’t go far enough

Albertans waited 32.1 weeks for medically necessary treatment—6.5 weeks longer than the Canadian average.

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COVID exacerbates—not creates—Canada’s long health-care wait times

In 2021, Canadians could expect to wait 25.6 weeks (on average) between referral to treatment.

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B.C.’s new MRI machine won’t solve province’s wait-time problem

The province's MRI wait time was longer than the national average.

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Nova Scotia can improve health care without breaking the bank

Since 1999, the provincial government increased health-care spending by more than 78 per cent.

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New report highlights Canada’s low health-care ranking among peer countries

Canada ranked last on timely access to specialist consultations and elective/non-emergency surgery.

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Wait times—the other health-care crisis

The elective surgery queue cost 1.2 million Canadians a total of $2.8 billion in lost wages and productivity.

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Court ruling locks patients into government-run health care

More than one million patients in Canada waited almost 20 weeks (on average) for medically necessary care last year.

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COVID creating a backlog of cancelled elective surgeries in Canada

Treatable conditions may turn into more permanent debilitating conditions.

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Three reasons why our hospitals are overcrowded

Eighteen per cent of Canadians reported waiting four months or more for elective surgery compared to zero per cent in Germany.