kathleen wynne

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Annual average job-creation for 2014 to 2016 is below the rate seen during the immediate post-recession recovery period.

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Canada’s top combined personal income tax rates are now among the highest in the industrialized world.

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From 2015 to 2018, interest on Ontario's debt will grow from $11.2 billion to $13.1 billion—an increase of nearly 17 per cent.

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Researchers have found that the cost of improving household efficiency is more than twice the value of the energy savings.

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The Wynne government estimates it will add $11.5 billion in net debt in 2015/16.

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If interest rates rise faster than expected, Ontario’s annual debt interest payments could increase by up to $857 million in 2017/18.

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Ontario has run a budget deficit every year during Premier Wynne's time in office.

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The Ontario government's fiscal projections assume revenues will grow faster than spending, when the opposite has often been the case.

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While the overall federal transfer “pie” has grown significantly over the past decade, Ontario’s “slice” has also grown larger.