single-use plastics

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Conventional plastic recycling doesn’t work—even Greenpeace says so

By the government’s own accounting, its net-zero plastics campaign will cost more than it will save in waste management costs.

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Science exposes Ottawa’s ill-founded war on plastics

Alternatives to single-use plastics actually have worse impacts on the environment.

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Ottawa takes ‘plastics’ policy to the extreme

The government wants Canadians to “bring their own containers" to restaurants.

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Ottawa wages costly war on ‘plastics’ problem

Ninety-nine per cent of plastics used in Canada are disposed of safely via recycling, incineration or landfilling.

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Ottawa’s plastic bans will cost Canadians money

Paper manufacturing uses more energy than manufacturing plastic.

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Federal government continues misguided war on plastic

Approximately 93 per cent of all plastics dumped into the sea come from 10 rivers in Asia and Africa.

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Plastics help green the Earth despite Trudeau government plans

Refined petroleum and synthetic products have reduced demand for whales, trees and human labour in many forms.

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Trudeau government’s plastic ban all pain, little gain

Canada’s ban will have virtually no impact on plastic waste in the ocean.

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Plastics ban—look before you leap

Prime Minister Trudeau recently proposed a federal ban on certain single-use plastics.