The pipeline carries 540,000 barrels of oil and natural gas liquids per day to Ontario’s four operating refineries in Sarnia.
enbridge pipeline
The pipeline carries approximately 540,000 barrels of oil and natural gas liquids to refineries in Ontario.
Almost 5,000 workers are directly employed in processing the petroleum products Line 5 brings to Sarnia.
Environmentalists have delayed projects so they become non-economic and are terminated.
Canadian heavy oil producers will lose an estimated $15.8 billion this year in foregone revenues.
The total spill volume from 2004 to 2017 equaled an estimated 0.00003 per cent of hydrocarbons moved through the four analyzed pipelines.
The proposed Enbridge Line 3 pipeline would carry 760,000 barrels per day from Alberta to Wisconsin.
Governments and their regulatory processes are legitimate and embody the rule of law in Canada.
Oil transport by rail is more than 4.5 times more likely to experience an occurrence when compared to pipelines.
Enbridge won the support of the majority of aboriginal groups along the path of the pipeline.