standardized tests

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More money not the answer for schools—just look at Alberta

The province's charter schools incentivize government school boards to diversify their programming options.

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Smartphone ban in Nova Scotia classrooms can’t come soon enough

According to PISA results, Nova Scotia 15-year-olds are 27 points below the Canadian average in math.

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Students pay price for collapse of testing in B.C. schools

Less than half of the province's Grade 10 students are proficient in numeracy.

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Plummeting math scores should trigger change in Canadian classrooms

Teachers should reclaim their proper role as subject-matter experts who take charge of the learning process.

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COVID school closures dramatically set kids back—here are some solutions

Union agreements hamper the ability of governments to hire and reward excellent teachers based on merit.

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COVID school closures likely caused significant learning loss in Alberta and beyond

Better organized and operated schools are likely better able to help students recover from temporary learning loss.