alberta budget

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Alberta government must reform spending to avoid deficits

The government will spend a projected $6,037 more per Albertan over four years than it originally planned.

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Alberta government must rein in spending to avoid future deficits

The government will spend a projected $6,037 more per Albertan over four years than it planned in the 2022 mid-year update.

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Alberta government peddles fanciful numbers for film and TV tax credit returns

By shifting resources and money, the government is simply shifting jobs into film and away from other sectors.

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Let’s be clear—the Alberta government’s fiscal problems aren’t over

In 2023/24, debt interest payments will cost a projected $3.4 billion, equal to $691 per Albertan.

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Alberta government’s budget promises will fall flat without clear long-term plan

Program spending from 2023/24 to 2025/26 will be $6.4 billion higher than projected just three months ago.

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Alberta government makes big promises for next budget—but proper execution is key

Since the Heritage Fund's inception, in most years the government has made no contributions to the fund.

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Alberta government would run large deficit without historically high resource revenue

Every dollar that goes towards debt repayment is a dollar unavailable for important services or tax relief.

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Be warned—Alberta’s government finances remain at risk

The province’s debt interest costs have increased from $61 per Albertan in 2007/08 to a projected $672 per Albertan in 2023/24.