Fraser Forum



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Ottawa’s ‘Emergency Response Benefit’ leaves many unanswered questions

Effectively, the CERB will now cost $40 billion, up from $15 billion.

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Price controls and anti-gouging laws make matters worse

Letting the price of scarce goods rise forces us to use the limited supply of the good for the most important purposes.

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Finance minister can access ‘all money required’ without consulting Parliament

When we learned that the first cases in Canada were from overseas flights, no measures were taken to screen passengers from infected areas.

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Ontario reduces hydro rates yet fundamental problems still plague province’s electricity market

Solar and bioenergy generators absorb 15 per cent of the surcharge yet generate only three per cent of Ontario’s electricity.

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Trudeau government plan would have undermined Opposition ability to hold government to account

The principle of no taxation without representation is central to the concept of democracy.

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If history is any guide, COVID-19 will transform Canada in heretofore unknown ways
When the First World War began, there was no expectation that it would spawn an entirely new tax system.
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An Affront to Democracy: New legislation proposed giving Liberals unprecedented powers

Canada’s economy was sputtering prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

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