Fraser Forum



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Canada does not need a modern ‘Marshall Plan’ after COVID

After the COVID crisis has passed, Ottawa should find ways to encourage private-sector investment and hiring.

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COVID creating a backlog of cancelled elective surgeries in Canada

Treatable conditions may turn into more permanent debilitating conditions.

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Pandemics, social upheaval and government spending

Federal deficit estimates range from $100 billion to $200 billion for fiscal year 2020-21.

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History of government difficulty in writing cheques to Canadians

The auditor general noted there were 3.8 million more social insurance numbers for Canadians 20 years and older than actual people in that age group.

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Supply management impedes supermarkets from keeping pace with demand

Importers of large quantities of chicken, cheese and butter are compelled to pay taxes exceeding 200 per cent.

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Revisions to ‘wage subsidy’ program leave many questions unanswered

For now, the new wage subsidy program will cost $71 billion.

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Ontario’s mini-budget shows provincial deficit will increase

Provincial government debt-service costs are set to reach $13.2 billion this year.

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