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Ruling could mean an additional $250 million for the Canadian broadcasting industry.

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On average, food isn’t a big part of the average Canadian’s budget.

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Study found that increasing the minimum wage reduced the employment rate among low-skilled workers by 5.6 percentage points.

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I wonder if the recent rise in the "trust gap" might have anything to do with the perception that governments are outrageously inefficient stewards of citizens' money?

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Do companies like General Motors or Welspun make investment decisions based on speeches they hear or nice conversations they have with national leaders?

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Vancouver's cab-licensing system tempts political patronage and cronyism.

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If we eliminate all government-granted monopolies, people could compete with lawyers, even doctors.

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Local land-use regulations inhibit the building of new homes, contributing to price increases.

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A meaningful discussion about CEO pay should not be based on faulty and misleading statistics.

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In neighbouring Burnaby, it takes almost five months less for typical housing development projects to receive a greenlight from city hall, and costs approximately $20,000 less in compliance fees per new dwelling unit.

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