Burnaby allocated the highest share of spending to parks and recreation.
city of vancouver
B.C.'s business tax rate rises from 2 per cent to 12 per cent once a company’s revenues reach $500,000.
Rather than decide how much parking residents should have, city hall should let residents decide for themselves.
The province has a rental vacancy rate of 1.4 per cent.
Horgan government will spend $492 million on 4,900 subsidized rental units.
Metro Vancouverites will go to the polls later this month.
Developer fees comprised 13.2 per cent of municipal revenue in the City of Vancouver in 2016.
Motorists in Vancouver will see the gasoline tax increase by 1.5 cents per litre.
In neighbouring Burnaby, it takes only a third the time it does in Vancouver to obtain a permit.
Toronto, Vancouver and other high-demand cities should focus on getting more housing built, at a quicker pace.