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Thank you for your interest in our blog in 2015. We’re taking a break for the holidays and will resume posting on Jan. 4.


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In order to give a good gift you have to understand, as economists do, that value is subjective.


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Research shows that increasing financial transparency contributes to improved governance and reduced corruption.

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The average U.S. charitable donation in 2013 was US$5,342—almost three-and-a-half times the average Canadian donation of C$1,574.

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Today, Standard and Poor’s downgraded the Alberta government’s credit rating in part due to “concerns of weak budgetary performances and rising debt burden.”

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When federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau meets with his provincial and territorial counterparts next week, expanding the Canada Pension Plan will be on the agenda.

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Housing markets in Canada’s largest cities are once again the subject of national news, this time because of an increase of the minimum down payments for government-backed mortgages.

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A higher target rate will raise uncertainty about future inflation and be costly for the economy.

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On the mainline general-interest CBC shows, you almost never hear praise for markets.


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The issue of whether the new federal government requires explicit approval of the electorate via a referendum to change the way parliamentarians and our federal government is elected is gaining a surprising amount of attention.

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