Fraser Forum

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With the announcement that the Pope may “intervene” in the Paris climate negotiations, the last act of the Great Paris Climate Conference is set.

As I wrote in 2010, these giant climate conferences follow an entirely predictable story arc that goes like this:

1) The media will downplay expectations, and diplomats and environmentalists will bemoan how far behind the process is in producing an agreement.

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Toronto-based Artbomb is an online art auction that receives zero government funding and is thriving across Canada.

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In the latest development in the ongoing dispute between Canada and the United States concerning country-of-origin labelling (or COOL), Canada won the right to impose retaliatory trade sanctions to the tune of roughly $780 million.

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Recent skills shortages in Western Canada, and a curtailment of the use of temporary foreign workers, make a single national labour market even more important.

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While some provinces have taken steps to rein in spending and balance budgets, Ontario is a laggard and Alberta has embarked on a new road to debt.  

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Only 0.3 per cent of the $7.9 billion spent by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada in 2011/12 went to Metis and non-status Indian concerns.

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This year marks the 30th anniversary of the report from the Commission on Private Schools in Ontario, so it’s a good time to crack open the several hundred pages and consider several proposals that, for a variety of reasons, were ignored.

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The federal Liberals delivered their Throne Speech last week, emphasizing the planned middle-class tax cut. Yet there are two major problems with the government's proposed tax reform.

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According to recently released data from Statistics Canada, Canadians are having fewer children, which means the average number of people per household has been declining—a fact that will inform the debate about income inequality.

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To stimulate economic growth, Chief Bear knew he had to get his community out from under the archaic Indian Act land provisions.