Democracy & Governance

— Sep 29, 2023
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COVID-19, Hygiene Theatre, Masks, and Lockdowns: “Solid Science” or Science Veneer?

COVID-19, Hygiene Theatre, Masks, and Lockdowns: “Solid Science” or Science Veneer? is the latest installment in the Institute’s essay series on the COVID-19 pandemic. This essay examines whether government policy responses followed the science and evidence extant at the time of COVID’s emergence and progression through the population, or whether governments followed the science selectively to create more of a veneer of science than a solid policy foundation.

— Jul 19, 2023
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On COVID, We Fought the Last War. And Lost

On COVID, We Fought the Last War. And Lost is the latest installment in the Institute’s series on the COVID-19 pandemic. This essay, by Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, documents how much of the government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic were inspired by practices used to combat the HIV pandemic decades earlier. But because the two viruses are so different, these HIV-inspired policies were entirely unsuited to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.

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