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This Critical Issues Bulletin evaluates the need for federal legislation to protect endangered species in Canada by asking fundamental questions that have been by-passed in the public debate. First, does the number of endangered species in Canada represent a problem serious enough to warrant the consideration of federal legislation?

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The purpose of this report on the public liabilities of Canada is to provide Canadians with an accessible account of the total indebtedness of each of the provinces and of the federal government. It is a reminder of the extent of our indebtedness, how jurisdictions compare both nationally and internationally, and how the national comparisons are changing as time passes.

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There is no denying that the Canadian airline industry is going through a very difficult period. The current situation has produced calls for intervention by the federal government.

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This study was stimulated by the recent successful launch of the euro, the prospect of official dollarization in Argentina and Mexico, the relatively poor performance of the Canadian economy, and the depreciation of the Canadian dollar.

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Waiting Your Turn presents the only comprehensive measure of hospital waiting lists across Canada. The survey measures the extent of health care rationing in the provinces from year to year.

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The Canadian system of public education is inefficient and inadequate: 33 percent of Canadian high-school graduates are functionally illiterate; 27 percent of Canadian adolescents drop out of high school with no diploma.

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In February 1999, the Panel on Accountability and Governance in the Voluntary Sector, chaired by the Hon. Ed Broadbent, produced its final report, Building on Strength: Improving Governance and Accountability in Canada's Voluntary Sector. This report was the result of a process of consultations with government and the voluntary sector.