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This is a series of articles on Democratic Reform. These articles were originally published in previous issues of Fraser Forum from October 2001 - October 2002:

Democratic Reform: Part I - VIII

- October 2001 - Part I - This article explains the three levels of democratic reform that Canadians should consider.

- November 2001 - Part II - This article discusses why, in many areas, the real need is not for more democratic government, but much less.

- December 2001 - Part III - Subsidiarity - When power is divided, the control of government is simplified, which minimizes the size of mistake any single power centre can make.

- January 2002 - Part IV - The best way to control governments is to keep them small.

- February 2002 - Part V - Our Canadian system of governance is well suited for a primitive society that needs a strong man. We no longer fit that profile.

- May 2002 - Part VI - Internal Party Governance

- September 2002 - Part VII - Representation, Oversight, & Adversarial Governance

- October 2002 - Part VIII - Constitutional Constraints

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The federal government justifies large-scale immigration on the basis that it is essential to economic growth as well as to offset the aging of the population and the increasing proportion of retired persons to workers. These rationales, however, are not based on facts. The government's own research indicates that immigration and population increases play a role at best in economic growth.

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This Critical Issues Bulletin is the Institute's twelfth attempt to document the extent to which queues for visits to specialists and for diagnostic and surgical procedures are being used to control health care expenses. When we began producing waiting-list measures in 1988, there was anecdotal evidence that hospital waiting times were becoming significant. However, there were no systematic measurements of the extent of waiting.

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Securities regulators, including the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), have been strongly vocal about the need for good corporate governance. But good governance is also important for securities regulators to ensure resources are directed towards socially desirable objectives, and used efficiently.

The focus of this study is a comparison of the OSC's governance structure with that of regulators in other countries responsible for securities regulation. The comparison countries are Australia, the US, the UK, and Hong Kong. The intent of the comparisons is to flush out best practices in governance for a modern securities regulator that could possibly be adopted by the OSC.

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Canada's dairy policy is a very complex web of interrelated policies, programs, and people nested in a number of private and public institutions. It is a system whose creation, expansion, and vigorous defence has been motivated almost entirely by milk producers, i.e., dairy farmers. If they wanted to end the elaborate supply management marketing scheme, open up the border to imports, or renounce the cash subsidies from governments, these changes would be made very quickly by governments.

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There are four different but overlapping regimes of private-property rights-customary rights, certificates of possession, land codes under the First Nations Land Management Act, and leases-already exist on reserves across Canada, as do several unique regimes, such as the Sechelt and Nisga'a cases.

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Within the United States, the image of the medically uninsured being denied important medical treatment stirs the emotions of the American public, while the issue of how to address this problem has bedevilled American politicians throughout the 1990s and into the twenty-first century. The spectre of the medically uninsured in America haunts Canada as well.