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Worrying Trends in BC’s Testing of Grade 10 Students

Worrying Trends in BC’s Testing of Grade 10 Students finds that in 2019/20 only 40 per cent of Grade 10 students in British Columbia scored proficient or above in numeracy and only 75 per cent scored proficient or above in literacy.

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The Essential Natural Law spotlights the philosophical and scholarly tradition, which began during the era of Plato, was greatly expanded prior to the Enlightenment, and influenced the development of moral, political, legal and economic thought in the Western tradition.

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Uneven Job Creation in Ontario’s Urban Centres from 2008 to 2019

Uneven Job creation in Ontario’s Urban Centres from 2008 to 2019 finds that despite the rate of job creation in the Toronto and Ottawa areas exceeding the national average, most other Ontario cities, towns and rural areas experienced little or no job growth since the 2008/09 recession.

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The Human Freedom Index 2021

This year’s Human Freedom Index finds that, even before COVID and the response from governments worldwide, global freedom was on the wane.

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Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2021 Report

Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2021 is a new study that finds Canada’s health-care wait times reached 25.6 weeks in 2021—the longest ever recorded—and 175 per cent higher than the 9.3 weeks Canadians waited in 1993, when the Fraser Institute began tracking medical wait times. Before this year, the longest recorded wait time was 22.6 weeks in 2020. Atlantic Canada has the longest wait times in the country this year, and Ontario recorded the shortest wait time, which was still more than four months long.

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Returning to Normalcy: Unemployment and Seasonality in Atlantic Canada

Returning to Normalcy: Unemployment and Seasonality in Atlantic Canada is a new study that finds while there have been some improvements in the labour market in the Atlantic provinces, seasonal employment and unemployment remain higher in Atlantic Canada than the national average, and Ottawa’s proposed changes to labour policy could set the region back further.

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Generosity in Canada: The 2021 Generosity Index

Generosity in Canada: The 2021 Generosity Index finds that the total amount donated to registered charities by Canadians in 2019—just 0.53 per cent of their income—is the second lowest amount since at least 2000. Moreover, the number of Canadians donating to charity—as a percentage of all tax filers—is at the lowest point in the past 20 years.