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Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Canada calculates that, on average, government workers in Canada, including federal, provincial, and local government workers, receive 9.7 per cent higher wages than comparable workers in the private sector.  There are also strong indicators that the government sector, as a whole,  enjoys superior non-wage benefits.

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The Principle of Targeting in Energy and Environmental Policy

The Principle of Targeting in Energy and Environmental Policy spotlights the effectiveness of energy and environmental regulations implemented by governments throughout Canada in recent years.  While championing the economic principle of ‘targeting’, the study finds that many of the applied regulations – such as bans on plastics bags, prohibitions against 100-watt incandescent light bulbs, household appliance standards and ethanol blending mandates – are inefficient, costly and do little to improve the environment.

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Municipal Amalgamation in Ontario

Municipal Amalgamation in Ontario spotlights the economic effects of Ontario’s push for municipal consolidation in the 1990s. Building on the plethora of research about the shortcomings of amalgamation in the province’s big cities, the study examines the experiences of some of Ontario’s rural communities and finds that — like in the larger cities — the promised cost savings and lower property taxes didn’t materialize.

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A Longer-term Perspective on Canada's Household Debt

A Longer-term Perspective on Canada’s Household Debt written by Philip Cross, former chief economic analyst for Statistics Canada, spotlights the nature of household debt in Canada since the 1970s, looks at Canadians’ net worth levels and explores debt-to-income ratios in other countries. It finds that Canadians are managing their debt levels responsibly with no evident strain to their incomes or balance sheets.

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Report Card on Secondary Schools in British Columbia 2015

Report Card on British Columbia’s Secondary Schools 2015 ranks 289 public and independent schools based on seven academic indicators using student results from annual provincewide exams, grade-to-grade transition rates, and graduation rates. The data in the report card also enable comparisons among 57 B.C. public school boards.

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An Economic Assessment of the Investment Canada Act

An Economic Assessment of the Investment Canada Act spotlights the economic impact of screening foreign acquisitions of Canadian companies. For example, the Act’s conditions essentially represent an increased cost for the buyer and consequently result in lower bid prices for Canadian companies. This ripple effect may discourage Canadian entrepreneurs from starting or expanding businesses—the lifeblood of economic and employment growth in the country.

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Municipal Fire Services in Canada

Municipal Fire Services in Canada: A Preliminary Analysis, spotlights the growing number of firefighters in Ontario and escalating fire service spending across the country.  From  1997 to 2012, the number of reported fires in Ontario fell by 41.4 per cent while the number of firefighters increased by 36.3 per cent. During the same 16-year period, the number of firefighters in Canada grew to 32,400 from 25,900—a 25.1 per cent increase, outpacing the country’s overall population growth (16.2 per cent).