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Evaluating the Proposed Ontario Pension Plan

The Ontario government has proposed its own supplement to the CPP in an attempt to force more saving. In reality, Ontarians typically have an above-average saving rate, double that of the rest of Canada as recently as 2009. Saving in Ontario returned to the national average after real income per capita fell outright in the last two years.

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Effect of Wait Times on Mortality in Canada

Wait times for health care in Canada have lengthened considerably over the past two decades. Across 12 major medical specialties, the estimated typical wait time has risen from 9.3 weeks in 1993 to 18.2 weeks in 2013. These inordinately long waits, among the longest in the developed world, have become a defining feature of the Canadian healthcare experience.

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Energy Abundance & Economic Growth

Economic growth in the modern world is fueled by energy. Although the total size of the economy tends to grow faster than total energy consumption, the two nonetheless trend together over the long run. So does economic growth cause an increase in energy consumption, or does an increase in energy availability cause an increase in economic activity, or both?

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Government Subsidies in Canada -- A $684 Billion Price Tag

This study attempts to measure the scope of government subsidies in Canada using three data sets.

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Health Care Lessons from Germany

The German health care system has been recognized as one that provides good quality care with attentive service in which wait times are not considered to be a problem, as well as a system that rapidly adopts new medical innovations. A careful examination of the German health care system may provide insights and information to inform the Canadian debate over the future of Medicare.

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Paying More for Power

Canadians are paying more for their power, on average, than our neighbors to the south. When outlier Honolulu is excluded, rates for small commercial electricity consumers are 8 percent greater in Canada than in the US, while rates for small industrial consumers are more than almost 30 percent greater.

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Costs of Complying with Personal Income Taxes in Canada

This study builds on previous Fraser Institute research estimating the total compliance costs associated with Canada's tax system. It aims to estimate the cost of complying with the personal income tax system in 2012. It updates past estimates for the average amount of time and financial resources that Canadians spend to comply with the system, and then calculates aggregate compliance costs in Canada.