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Lifting the Moratorium: The costs and benefits of offshore oil drilling in British Columbia considers the potential for offshore oil operations in BC. This study combines information from academic papers, government commissioned reports, and government databases in order to estimate the expected net benefits to Canadians from removing the federally imposed moratorium on offshore oil operations on Canada’s west coast.

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Use of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) has been growing rapidly in the Asia-Pacific region, mainly as an energy source for electric generation but also for distribution to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers. Growth in LNG use has been strongest in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, which together accounted for 86% of Asia-Pacific LNG trade in 2009.

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Fraser Forum is a monthly review of public policy in Canada, with articles covering taxation, education, health care policy, and a wide range of other topics. Forum writers are economists, Institute research analysts, and selected authors, including those from other public policy think tanks.

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Canadians often misunderstand the true cost of our public health care system. This occurs partly because Canadians do not incur direct expenses for their use of health care, and partly because Canadians cannot readily determine the value of their contribution to public health care insurance.

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The index published in Economic Freedom of the World 2012 measures the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries are supportive of economic freedom. The cornerstones of economic freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to compete, and security of privately owned property.

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This Alert reviews payments made to businesses over the last 30 years by Canada’s federal department of industry, a practice known as corporate welfare. The information was gathered through an Access to Information request to Industry Canada. This report closely examines corporate welfare at the department where subsidies to some of Canada’s largest corporations originate.

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This study measures the labour market performance of Canadian provinces and US states from 2007 to 2011 based on five equally weighted indicators: average total employment growth, average private-sector employment growth, average unemployment rates, average duration of unemployment, and average labour productivity.