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The Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools: 2005 Edition collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible, public document so that all interested parties - parents, school administrators, teachers, students, and taxpayers - can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools.

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This paper discusses differences between provincial drug plans with respect to breadth of coverage and cost sharing between patients and taxpayers, and introduces two new measurements to describe how provincial Pharmacare plans perform as insurers and how generous they are to their beneficiaries. Finally, we compare these measurements with provinces' spending on their prescription benefit plans and consider which provinces get most value for their taxpayers' money.

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Since 1997, The Fraser Institute has conducted an annual survey of metal mining and exploration companies to assess how mineral endowments and public policy factors such as taxation and regulation affect exploration investment. Survey results represent the opinions of exploration managers in mining and mining consulting companies operating around the world. As the popularity of the survey has grown, we have expanded it to include more jurisdictions.

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The Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2005 Edition collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their schools.

This annual Report Card uses relevant, publicly-available data to rate and rank 748 of Alberta's public, separate, private, charter, and francophone elementary schools. This is the only comprehensive and widely-distributed Report Card on elementary schools available in Canada.

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This study shows that Canadians pay much more than they should for generic drugs and that this is because of the very government policies that were supposed to make prescription medicines cheaper in the first place. This study also finds that price controls on patented drugs are unnecessary because market prices in Canada would often be nearly the same as government-imposed prices anyway.

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In contrast to the ambitious Strategic Defence Initiative of the 1980s, the current US program to build ground-based missile interceptors in Alaska and California is a feasible and prudent response to the growing threat of missile and nuclear developments in North Korea and Iran. The United States is both able and by law committed to go-it-alone on missile defence.

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Coal-fired power plants operated by the Ontario Power Generation Corporation account for about 25% of Ontario's electricity supply.