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Economic Freedom of the World: 2021 Annual Report

Economic Freedom of the World: 2021 Annual Report is the world's premier measurement of economic freedom, ranking countries based on five areas—size of government, legal structure and property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade internationally, regulation of credit, labour and business. In this year's report, which compares 165 countries and territories, Hong Kong is again number one—although China's heavy hand will likely lower Hong Kong's ranking in future years—and Canada (14th) trails the United States (6th).

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The Lifetime Tax Burden for Canadians from Federal Debt Accumulation

Lifetime Tax Burden for Canadians from Federal Debt Accumulation finds that Canadians aged 16 to 35 will pay an additional $205.1 billion in personal income taxes (or 61.7 per cent of the total burden imposed on all age groups) over their lifetimes due to additional federal debt accumulation.

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Voting with Their Feet: Migration in Atlantic Canada

Voting with their feet: Migration in Atlantic Canada is a new study that finds from 2000/01 to 2019/20, 66,396 more residents left Atlantic Canada for provinces outside the region compared to people outside of the region moving to Atlantic Canada. In addition, young, working-aged people disproportionately left the region during this period. A total of 74.3 per cent of Atlantic Canada’s interprovincial outmigrants during this period moved to Alberta and Ontario.

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Economic Freedom Promotes Upward Income Mobility

Economic Freedom Promotes Upward Income Mobility finds that the costs of government regulation, including labour regulations such as licencing and accreditation, represent a real barrier for Canadians—especially low-income Canadians—trying to move up the income ladder.

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Repairing Alberta's Heritage Fund for the Long Term

Repairing Alberta's Heritage Fund for the Long Term finds that the Alberta government can learn from Alaska and introduce better rules for the province’s Heritage Fund, which would include inflation-proofing the fund and paying dividends to Alberta residents.

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Taxes versus the Necessities of Life: The Canadian Consumer Tax Index 2021 edition

The Canadian Consumer Tax Index, 2021 Edition is a new study that finds even with a substantial COVID-driven reduction in tax revenue, the average Canadian family still spent over 36 per cent of its income on taxes in 2020 compared to 35.4 per cent on basic necessities—more than housing, food and clothing costs combined. Since 1961, the average Canadian family’s total tax bill has increased nominally by 1,992 per cent, eclipsing increases in annual housing costs (1,671 per cent), clothing (629 per cent) and food (767 per cent).