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The war on drugs is lost and prohibition has been a complete failure. These are the conclusions of Sensible Solutions to the Urban Drug Problem . Originally based on papers presented to two Fraser Institute conferences.

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This study looks at retail prices of three patented prescription drugs in three American and three Canadian areas along the border between Canada and the United States. Although finding that Canadian prices are significantly lower than American prices, it also finds significant differences in prices within each of these areas, as well as between areas in the same country.

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Since the publication of Poverty in Canada in 1992 there has been a renewed debate about the definition and measurement of poverty in this country. It is understandable that some of the discussion has been heated and emotional as this is an important policy issue and there are widely differing perspectives about poverty. Researchers and policy makers are now giving considerable thought and discussion to what appeared to be a settled issue a decade ago.

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The total tax bill of the average Canadian family has increased by 1,351 percent since 1961, according to Tax Facts 12 . Tax Facts 12 is the latest edition of a biennial study which looks at how the average Canadian tax bill has changed since 1961. Between 1961 and 2000, for example, the average Canadian family's tax bill rose from 33.5 percent to 47.5 percent of its income.

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The issue of tax cuts has overwhelmed the equally important issue of tax reform in the national debate. This study outlines many of the issues raised during the recent federal election and provides information on tax reform in order to provide a foundation for rational debate.

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The Report Card on Alberta's High Schools: 2001 Edition collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible public document so that all interested parties can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. In this way, the Report Card encourages and assists those seeking to improve their schools.