alberta finances

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Between 2004/05 and 2015/16, the Alberta government increased program spending by roughly 100 per cent.

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The provincial government introduced numerous tax increases, essentially ending Alberta’s tax advantage relative to key competing jurisdictions.

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Premier Jim Prentice dropped hints for months that the 2015 provincial budget was a once-in-a-generation chance to “fix” Alberta’s finances.

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Governments, like families, have choices. And governments, as with families, sometimes make picks that close off other options. If Albertans had $41 billion to spend via the provincial government, how would you allocate it?

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If there was ever a place that was the “anti-Greece” when it comes to public finances, it must be Alberta. Compare Alberta to many places around the world, be it European fiscal disasters, or even nearer to home, and in most decades, Alberta shines in comparison.