alberta government spending

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Alberta government should learn from past fiscal mistakes

Young Albertans are paying the price today for the past 15 years of government debt accumulation.

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Alberta government should rein in spending despite budget surplus

The government has increased program spending by nearly $10 billion since its original plan in 2022.

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Alberta government should adopt fiscal sustainability analysis and reporting framework
Sound analysis supports the efficient allocation of scarce financial resources.

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Alberta government wastes generational opportunity to restore provincial finances

If it held the line on spending, the government could have run a $6.7 billion surplus in 2023/24.

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Resource revenue rescued Alberta—time for spending restraint

It would be irresponsible for the Smith government to repeat the mistakes of past governments.

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Alberta government can send ongoing cheques to Albertans—if it saves resource revenue

Alberta's fund was valued at just C$16.2 billion compared to US$65.3 billion for Alaska’s fund.

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Alberta government must commit to spending restraint and reform

The province had the largest growth in government net debt in Canada from 2007/08 to 2021/22.