climate policy

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Federal government injects climate change theatre into concrete deals

These requirements, which will inflate costs to taxpayers, do nothing to improve the goods or services provided.

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Conference in the Holy Land produces glimmers of climate policy sanity

The Trudeau government simply wants to convince Canadians to use less power and live colder poorer lives.

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Ottawa peddles junk economics to justify climate plans

Forgoing two years of economic growth over the next eight decades doesn’t seem like an existential challenge.

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Climate Despair (Needlessly) Springs Eternal

Some historical perspective on Earth Day activism suggests cooler heads should prevail in climate change discussions.

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It’s reasonable to call Trudeau a modern-day socialist

The prime minister has mandated the end of new vehicle sales that emit greenhouse gases by 2035.

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Canada’s gift to Putin

Despite any rhetoric, the new plan will not affect the incidence of extreme weather.

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Canada can promote world peace by reorienting climate policy

Prime Minister Trudeau plans to phase-out fossil fuel use in Canada.

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Benefits of Ontario climate policy—basically zero

When climate policy raises the cost of doing business here, the industrial activity simply moves elsewhere.

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Politicians simply ignore cost-benefit analyses of ‘climate’ policy
Unfortunately, the estimated costs of the required emissions controls far surpass the environmental benefits.