health care spending

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B.C.’s cross-border cancer care initiative—necessary, bold and hypocritical

The median wait between specialist visit to treatment in the province exceeded what physicians consider reasonable by more than one month.

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Provinces strengthen their shackles in exchange for more federal health-care dollars

The Canada Health Act severely limits the ability of provinces to innovate and experiment with health-care policy.

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Canada’s aging population—what does it mean for government finances?

At the provincial level, an aging population is putting upward pressure on health-care spending.

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Alberta faces future of declining resource revenues and aging population

By 2043, Albertans aged 65 or older will account for a projected 19 per cent of the province's population.

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Alberta’s fiscal challenges will continue post-pandemic

The proportion of Albertans age 65 and over will reach 18.8 per cent by 2040.

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Canada’s health-care system—the status quo is unsustainable

Our aging population will put significant pressure on health-care expenditures.

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The real election losers—balance sheet, health care, federalism

On health-care wait times, Canada consistently ranks lowest among comparable countries with universal health care.

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Before adding new programs, Ottawa should consider what Canadians already pay for health care

The Trudeau government will likely expand the scope of our public health-care system and Canadian families will pay even more for public health care every year.

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Nova Scotia can improve health care without breaking the bank

Since 1999, the provincial government increased health-care spending by more than 78 per cent.