housing affordability

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Scrapping Robertson’s duplex plan will do nothing to make Vancouver more affordable

Housing affordability was easily the top issue on the campaign trail.

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At last count, the GTA rental vacancy rate was 1.1 per cent.

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Horgan government will spend $492 million on 4,900 subsidized rental units.

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More than 80 per cent of Canadians live in towns, cities and suburbs.

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On average, it takes one-and-a-half years before builders can break ground in Toronto.

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Mayor-elect Kennedy Stewart wants to reach 85,000 new housing units over 10 years.

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According to a report commissioned by the province, more than 115,000 new housing units were awaiting approval in six Metro Vancouver municipalities.

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Toronto's changing whether you like it or not—might as well be for the better

The cost of buying and renting is driven upward by a scarcity of available homes.

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Developer fees comprised 13.2 per cent of municipal revenue in the City of Vancouver in 2016.

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Both Toronto and Vancouver require at least one space per residential unit in most of the city.