The top combined personal income tax rate in the province remains at 53.53 per cent.
doug ford
Between 2018 and 2024, the Ford government will increase debt by a forecasted average of $20.7 billion annually.
High spending levels increase government debt, which raises the spectre of future higher taxes and creates uncertainty for potential investors.
Ontario's debt will hit a projected $391.6 billion by 2023/24.
Between 2008 and 2016, 98.6 per cent of all net job-creation in Ontario took place in Toronto and Ottawa.
At last count, the GTA rental vacancy rate was 1.1 per cent.
The government’s operating deficit now stands at $14.5 billion—only half a billion less than the pre-update status quo.
Deficits and debts are not free money—they come at a cost.
Inefficient I/M programs cost motorists time and money.
Quebec is currently the most indebted province relative to the size of the provincial economy.