K-12 education

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Poll shows B.C. parents want balance—not bias—in K-12 classrooms

Eighty-five per cent of B.C. parents want schools to provide advance notice before controversial topics are discussed.

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Canadians in three provinces will spend roughly the same on debt interest as K-12 education

Provincial and federal net debt has increased by $1.0 trillion from 2007/08 to 2023/24.

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Canadian student performance does not reflect increases in spending

Between 2006/07 and 2015/16, spending on public schools in Canada increased by more than 32 per cent.

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Had Ontario increased spending on public schools simply to match enrolment changes and inflation, it would have saved $5.2 billion in 2013/14.

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One of the big stories coming out of Queen’s Park on the government’s fall economic update was the possibility of reductions in education spending.

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Ontario’s financial status quo is not sustainable. That’s the conclusion of numerous independent analyses, the former provincial treasurer, and the province’s own commission on reform of public sector services. Yet despite these warnings, the province has allowed an unsustainable set of fiscal policies to persist while missing opportunities for reform.