personal income tax

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October 1 marks an important day for Alberta. It’s when the province officially moves away from a single 10 per cent tax rate on personal income to a system with five separate brackets.

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Over the years, the federal government has shown a penchant for muddling the tax system with a myriad of tax credits, deductions, exemptions and exclusions. But tax expenditures—as they are collectively known—recently drew fire from Canada’s auditor general.

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Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently announced his government will introduce income splitting for tax purposes at an annual cost of roughly $2 billion.

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“We want Quebecers to pay less tax and taxes,” said Quebec’s premier Philippe Couillard, in advance of recommendations from a special panel tasked to make the province’s tax system more competitive. The window for change appears to be opening, and the premier’s statement is a positive sign.