personal income tax

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On personal income taxes, Albertans have been hit twice in recent months by provincial and federal tax hikes.

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Ontario’s top combined personal income tax rate rose from 46.41 per cent in 2011 to 53.53 per cent today.

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If the B.C. government truly wants to make the provincial tax system more competitive, reform is needed across three key taxes.

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The root of Ontario’s decline can be found in a decade of failed government policies, particularly growth-killing tax increases.

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There are clear parallels between the campaigns and governing approaches of President Obama and the Trudeau Liberals.

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The Alberta government recently abandoned the province’s single 10 per cent tax rate on personal income in favour of a five-bracket system with a top rate of 15 per cent—a move that will reduce Alberta’s competitiveness and cause undue harm on an already struggling economy.

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With a relatively weak Canadian economy, depressed commodity prices and the myriad of international economic issues (i.e. uncertainty in China), federal parties should offer solutions to the economic storm clouds on the horizon.