resource revenue

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Alberta’s resource revenue windfall largest on record

The province's resource revenue is expected to increase from $3.3 billion in 2020/21 to $13.7 billion in 2021/22.

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In Budget 2022, Alberta continues its ride on resource revenue roller-coaster

Resource revenue will be $9.1 billion higher in 2022/23 than projected last year.

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Kenney government should save—not spend—part of upcoming resource revenue spike

By contributing to the Heritage Fund, the government would essentially transform a share of onetime resource revenue into a financial asset.

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With higher oil prices, Alberta government must avoid fiscal mistakes of the past

The price of Brent Crude oil could reach US$100 per barrel in 2022 due to a surge in demand.

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Albertans can’t bet on another ride on the resource revenue roller-coaster

Non-renewable resource revenue accounted for up to 27 per cent of total provincial government revenue.